Kereta Bayi Lightweight CocoLatte CL904 Trip Red

Kereta Bayi Lightweight CocoLatte CL904 Trip Red

samping CocoLatte CL904 Trip Red Kereta Dorong Bayi Ringandepan CocoLatte CL904 Trip Red Kereta Dorong Bayi Ringanlipat CocoLatte CL904 Trip Red Kereta Dorong Bayi Ringan
Identitas Produk
Merek: CocoLatte; Model: CL904 Trip
Jenis: LightWeight Baby Stroller; Kategori Produk: Baby Stroller

Spesifikasi Produk
  • Three Wheeler Lightweight Baby Stroller
  • 5-point Safety Harness
  • Recline mechanism with multiple recline positions from fully upright to fully reclined
  • Foldable Canopy
  • Brake Lock
  • Removable Safety Bar
  • Mesh Basket
  • Foot Rest
Detail Produk
Beban Maksimum: 15kg; Usia: Newborn - 3 tahun
Dimensi Produk: Saat Dibuka: 60cm x 45cm x 89cm; Saat Dilipat: 55cm x 33cm  x 70cm
Kemasan: Berat Kotor: 9kg; Berat Bersih:7kg; Dimensi Kemasan: Panjang 59 cm x Lebar 33cm x Tinggi 85cm.
Pilihan Warna : Red, Yellow, Blue

Kereta Bayi CocoLatte CL904 Trip

CocoLatte CL904 Trip 3-Wheeler LightWeight Baby Stroller

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tidur CocoLatte CL904 Trip Red Kereta Dorong Bayi Ringan
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Produk sejenis: Daftar Harga Kereta Bayi, Kereta Bayi Branded, Baby Car Seat

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